Ekol Comes Together With Its Suppliers
Ekol Logistics came together with its suppliers on May 21 Saturday and shared its investment and growth plans for 2011.

Ekol Logistics came together with its suppliers on May 21 Saturday and shared its investment and growth plans for 2011. The meeting focused on the fact that the business volume increase to be caused by the major projects of Ekol will in return result in a high supply demand and thus, Ekol has to make new plans for its businesses with all its suppliers.
51 leading brands including Goodyear, Continental, Bridgestone, Pirelli, BP, Shell, Castrol, Mobil, Kadeniz Branda, Tatkap, Ulusoy, Mutlubaşlar, Ege Fren, Bay Filtre, Daf Tırsan, Whürt, Mersal and Volvo attended the meeting organized at Beyazıt Training Hall of Kardelen Facility owned by Ekol in Sultanbeyli from 10:00 to 12:00.

Bahadır Akgün, the Regional Sales Director of Istanbul of Goodyear, one of the suppliers of Ekol attending the meeting, expressed their pleasure in working with Ekol and commented as follows: “We got the chance to know Ekol, our customer of long years, better thanks to this organization. Moreover, we learned about important tips regarding the work strategy of Ekol in the 2nd half of 2011 and this information will play a significant role in our relations with our customer in next periods.”
Giving a speech at the meeting, Mehmet Özal, the General Manager of Ekol Ltd., commented on the meeting bringing them together with their customers as follows:
We as a company rendering services to a number of major firms in several fields from textile to automobile are aware that the better we know our customers and the more we learn about their needs, the higher our service quality will be. In this regard, we gave important information about our company to our suppliers with our presentation and told them about our plan for the 2nd half of 2011. I am certainly sure that our suppliers attending this meeting will provide us with better services in a smoother way.