In Press Releases

Ekol Reaches Far, Far Away With ‘O Köy Çok Uzak Değil’ Project

Attracting attention with its efforts for supporting education and youth, Ekol now supports Merter Platform “O Köy Çok Uzak Değil” Education Project…

Merter Platform was established by textile firms and businessmen from Merter on May 31, 2011 for founding a library to 3 thousand village schools across Turkey. Nearly 2 million Liras have been collected for the campaign. Village schools are contacted with the project realized with the motto ‘That village is not so far, far away’

2058 schools have up-to-now benefited from “O Köy Çok Uzak Değil” Education Project of Merter Platform chaired by the Honorary Chairman Istanbul Governor Hüseyin Avni Mutlu and supported by the Ministry of National Education. Undertaking the transportation of the supports of Merter Platform to 10 cities, Ekol ensured the supports reach 783 schools.

Umur Özkal, the General Manager of Ekol Logistics, comments on the project as follows:

We make great efforts for taking part in projects especially for the youth. That is because we consider the youth as the future of our country and sector and we believe that their appropriate growth will benefit all of us. Merter Platform conducts a very important project aiming for providing stationery and book supports needed by many schools in the East. 2058 schools have benefited from this project. We played our role in some of them and we are very proud with this role.