System Infrastructure
With in-house-developed flexible and innovative software, Ekol quickly and skillfully prepares load manifests for all means of transportation. The infrastructure enables electronic data flow while the goods are still in transit, assisting customers to complete their preparations in due time. It identifies tariff-based legislative requirements and promptly conveys appropriate instructions to customers. Thus, issues are eliminated even before they arise.
Throughout all process management and follow-up, Ekol completes transactions swiftly by minimizing manpower and human error – thanks to its flexible software infrastructure. Moreover, it renders a dynamic and transparent presence by sharing all stages online with its customers.
Integrating Software
The software transfers data to the customs system by utilizing an EDI connection. All transportation, customs clearance, and warehouse costs for the completed manifests are transferred online. The software can be integrated with all types of customer software and directly transfers the related data to the customer’s accounting records online.
As a result, it contributes to savings on the resources used to create accounting records for the transaction.