Railway Freight
When it comes to rail transportation, Ekol can tailor-make logistics solutions for its customers. Railway transportation is a reliable alternative which minimizes risks associated with error, and also offers significant advantages in terms of financial and environmental costs.
Block Train Container Transportation
Our own unit trains, and 45 foot high cube, tarpaulin, refrigerated, and mega containers capitalize on our strong railway partnerships across Europe.
Wagoon Freight Transportation
Ekol offers open, closed, and special car freight transportation services to every European location.
We Take Each Step to Leave a Better World for Future Generations
With each round trip by rail, we save 55,300 liters of diesel fuel and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 145.20 tons when compared to Euro 5 and 6 road vehicle consumption. We will continue unabated in our efforts to create a better world, saving 40.5 million liters of diesel fuel and emitting 67,300 tons less carbon dioxide every year.