
Ekol is one of the largest investors in R&D in the logistics industry, and collaborates with academics and students alike at the relevant university departments in the following fields:

  • TÜBİTAK Support Programs
  • EU Framework Programs
  • University-Industry Collaboration Programs

Contact: [email protected]

open invitation to academicians and students


The Ekol R&D Center adheres to the following principles and processes to achieve impressive results with high standards in university collaborations:

  • Collaboration projects tackle a tangible industrial problem at Ekol Logistics and introduce a scientific solution for it.
  • The subject, scope, purpose and results of the study are established clearly from the very outset.
  • The Ekol R&D team is actively involved in the study process.
  • The progress in the project is tracked continuously throughout the study.
  • The entire scientific publications which arise as a result of the study are encouraged.

University Collaborations

Project: Optimize Current Warehouse Management System and Increase Productivity based on a Scientific Approach
Collaborating Institution: Bilkent University - Turkey
Support Program: TÜBİTAK 1505 University - Industry Collaboration Support Program
Project: Multi-Depth Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems Optimization with Smart Algorithms
Collaborating Institution: Ege University - Turkey
Support Program: TÜBİTAK 1505 – Industrial Projects Support Program
Project: System Development for Integrated Image Verification and Resolution in Industrial Based Dynamic Structure
Collaborating Institution: Gebze Technical University - Turkey
Support Program: TÜBİTAK 1505 – Industrial Projects Support Program
Project: Design Automatic Warehouse and Field Management Processes in the FMCG Industry, and Develop a Commercializable Product through System Integration
Collaborating Institution: Selçuk University - Turkey
Support Program: TÜBİTAK 1501 – Industrial Projects Support Program
Project: Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems Optimization with Smart Algorithms
Collaborating Institution: Dokuz Eylül University - Turkey
Support Program: TÜBİTAK 1501 – Industrial Projects Support Program
Project: Develop a Dynamic and Open-to-Improvement Tow Truck and Trailer Tracking System
Collaborating Institution: Marmara University - Turkey
Support Program: TÜBİTAK 1501 – Industrial Projects Support Program
Project: Data Analysis for Sustainable Logistics
Collaborating Institution: Athens Technology Center (ATC) - Greece, SINTEF - Norway, Software AG - Germany, VLTN GCV - Belgium, University of Novi Sad - Serbia, Cranfield University - The UK, Optilog - Greece, Ekol Lojistik - Turkey, Danaos - Cyprus
Support Program: HORIZON 2020 - ICT
Project: Sofia – Added Value Logistics Network Planning and Process Innovation Logistic Network Planning and Process Innovation Project
Collaborating Institutions: Fraunhofer IML, CLAAS – Germany, Wincor Nixdorf – Germany, Ekol Lojistik GmbH – Germany
Support Program: BMBF – Germany
Project: Overhaul Warehouse Material Flow with the Latest Technology and Applications for Retail Industry Warehouse Operation Processes
Collaborating Institution: Sabancı University
Support Program: TÜBİTAK 1501 – Industrial Projects Support Program
Project: Develop a Real-Time Simulation-Based Supply-Chain Risk Management Methodology and Vehicle for Multi-Model Freight Transportation between Turkey and Germany
Collaborating Institution: Koç University - Turkey, University of Duisburg-Essen – Germany, Kombiverkehr KG – Germany
Support Program: TÜBİTAK 1509 – Support Program with International Partners

Collaborations in the Past Year

Anadolu University

University-Industry Collaboration Project

Develop a Mathematical Model and Decision Support System for Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem

Izmir University of Economics
Yaşar University


Load Combining and Load Planning

Marmara University

TEYDEB Project Academic Collaboration

Develop a Dynamic and Open-to-Improvement Tow Truck and Trailer Tracking System

Middle East Technical University

Postgraduate Dissertation Support

Improve Double- and-Multi-Depth Automatic Storage Systems/Automatic Storage System through Analysis of Current Algorithm, Time and Distance Analysis

Ege University

TEYDEB Project Academic Collaboration

Multi-Depth Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems Optimization with Smart Algorithms

Ege University

Doctoral Dissertation Support

Multi-Depth Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems Optimization with Smart Algorithms

Bilkent University

University Project

Warehouse Shelf Addressing and Space-Making Optimization Algorithm

Middle East Technical University

University Project

Warehouse Shelf Addressing and Space-Making Optimization Algorithm

Selçuk University

TEYDEB Project Academic Collaboration

Design Automatic Warehouse and Field Management Processes in the FMCG Industry, and Develop a Commercializable Product through System Integration

Galatasaray University

Postgraduate Dissertation Support

Use of Unclear Multiple-Criteria Decision Making Methods in Assessment of Factors that Affect Intermodal Load Transportation Type

Beykent University

Academic Publication

Domestic Distribution Micro Network Route Optimization Project